
Establish respectful, trusting relationships with underserved communities through on-going outreach and relationship building. Collaborate with religious and cultural organizations in program development and in the promotion of health education. Conduct practical research to understand underserved communities’ cultural norms and values in order to be better prepared to partner in the design and provision of effective health education programs. Collaborate with medical professionals, health organizations and underserved communities to insure the cultural relevance and sensitivity of existing health education materials and programs. Use the CCH website to publish culturally specific health education research, materials, and opportunities, as well as links to other relevant health and medical organizations and materials. Initiate community leadership development in underserved communities through recruitment, training and support of key community members who take leadership roles in establishing new and relevant health education programs.



A key part of the CCH strategy is...

Collaboration with medical professionals, health organizations and underserved communities. To insure the cultural relevance and sensitivity of existing health education materials and programs, we include religious and cultural organizations.

ACU — Association of Clinicians for the Underserved

ACU is a nonprofit, transdisciplinary organization of clinicians, advocates, and health care organizations united in a common mission to improve the health of America's underserved populations and to enhance the development and support of the health care clinicians serving these populations.

Stratis Health

Stratis Health is a non-profit independent quality improvement organization that collaborates with providers and consumers to improve health care. Our objectives are to help health care providers understand and integrate quality improvement and safety into their work, and to support Medicare consumers in their quest for health education and quality information.